Wednesday, December 11, 2013

The Final Stretch

This week is probably the busiest for the whole project due to everything finally coming together.

There were setbacks with the assembly of the 3X3X3 LED cube. Initial tests failed to achieve desired results. We couldn't even get a single LED to light up. After many many hours of struggle, checking the wiring, soldering, and assembly, finally today the LED cube lit up and displayed a pattern.

The parts requested for manufacturing have been picked up. The following are the 3D printed parts. There were some problems with two of the parts fitting together. Using a Swiss Army knife excess material was removed sufficiently so that the parts could slide together without interference. This error was caused by a misunderstanding of printer resolution and not having a large enough clearance gap between the parts.

Big Servo Casing

Small Servo Casing


Modular Parts that Fit Together

As far as connections go between all the parts in the assembly. An adhesive will be used such as acrylic glue or epoxy. 
The final steps include integrating the microphone code with the LED cube visual display code and assembling all the pieces together.

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